Saturday, 28 April 2012

Gold Leaf etc


Every day I creep inexorably towards the completion of this book. It is a steep learning curve, nearly every aspect is new and unchartered territory.
For instance, who knew that indexing is a serious, accredited profession?
I have an indexer in place; I still need a proof reader; I have a date for completion of the production and presentation to the printers (end June) ; I have the price settled, £19.99, a little more than the handbooks out there, but still under the magic £20; the Foreword is coming, from Bill Gudenrath, (Corning Museum of Glass, USA) good man.   I also nearly have the cover.... pink and gold!  Yeh.

What else? Yes, a little thing, the publicity machine.
I will have to rejig the website, dreading that part. And figure out how to get known and talked about. (No point doing all this work and having no-one know). So I will have to contact a zillion organizations, (e.g society of gilders) dealers, students, customers, collectors... and then get it reviewed!

I think the book will be well received. There are a lot of students waiting for it, and Sue Govani, who manages  the online store,, who recently came on the course and had loads of pics done for her, and my site, assures me the interest in glass gilding is stronger than ever. She expects to sell plenty. Lets hope that will be repeated in all the other gilding supplies stores, and there are many!

People have been extraordinarily supportive.... so many current and former students have steeped up and helped in some way or another.  I have still to write the Acknowledgments page.

Thank you all, have a lovely day, f

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