Monday, 17 September 2012

Getting the book into the world

I am getting a couple of rejections, which is interesting.
The V&A and the BM (British Museum) have declined it.... not very sure why, I have to read their emails more carefully. Anyone who has had rejection slips may be like me... a quick scan to see and to grasp the meaning, then put it away in a drawer, and get over it. Never mind the detail.
The dvd is on its way out (through the birthing canal and all that entails) and now I have to find out, somehow, who has paid and is due one. Some will have had a book already, and some books are waiting to be mailed along with the dvd.... but which and who?
Once the backlog is cleared I should be able to handle the orders as they come in.
I have been going around London on my motorbike (which my friend Bridget always insists is a moped.... but its not) delivering and hustling.
I dropped into Foyles (I had been told they were very good for writers) and found the buyer, and presented, and lo, she took 3. Reading the bumph she handed me it stated on NO account just drop in to see a buyer: MAKE AN APPOINTMENT.  Sorry.
So there are many more locations to try.... bookshops are on my list as I am encouraged by the South Kensington independent bookshop also taking 3 (sale or return). But I feel a bit wary of museums. I think they are put off by the How To section, but I really dont know.
And then I was sent the encyclopedia (a long list) of book distributors in the US , which I have to carefully sift.  That enormous market has to be tackled soon.   I had thought of organizing a trip to take in several locations, carrying the books.  But they are so heavy, it seems a bit daft. The finances can't possibly work out. How many would I have to sell to only break even? Forget it.
So today I work in the office to catch up with it all before the dvds actually arrive. Once that is due to happen I need friend Simon to help me with getting it all online, with the ebook, the PayPal button and all officially launched.
Cheerio, and do drop me a line if you want to join in with any ideas!  f

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