Thursday, 11 January 2018

A blog with no pics

 Polish politics are only now beginning to penetrate my brain. Without the language the subject cannot be closely examined, as British views are just that: seen from the uk.
A fascinating story is unfolding to me, one that has been going on for a while now.
After the war, with the communists in power, it was declared that much property in Warsaw, previously owned by Jews and non-Jews, which did not appear to be under anyone’s ownership now, was to be held by the state.  After some 40 years clever government officials realized there was money to be made, and the idea spread.  Bribes and kickbacks provided all the necessary documentation to acquire a prime property at a minimal price. It could then be sold on the open market for millions. Of course not a zloty in tax was ever paid.  Previous governments did nothing to sort this.
Once this government, PiS, came in, 2 years ago, they started to investigate. Their promise was to clean up corruption and to redress the economy. This they are doing; Poland has never been in such good economic shape.  They have collected millions in back VAT payments, and this investigation should bring them a great deal of income.
They started to investigate and to prosecute, hence the overflowing prisons: lawyers, real estate developers and government officials.
At this moment the mayor of Warsaw, her husband and their son are each under investigation, as the properties they own do not seem, for some reason, to have the required paperwork. The mayor has been on the witness stand for weeks, resolutely refusing to go to court.  Now a new law had been drafted granting the right to fine her heavily for each day she refuses to appear. Poland doesn’t seem to have a subpoena law.  

As anyone who knows me knows my family is very small. To Stefan’s 27+ cousins I have 3. 1 in Vienna and 2 in Australia. The Aussies each have huge families, so the clan by now is enormous. Francis and wife Robyn come to Europe frequently and this time they stayed with us. We will return the compliment and go there to see everyone, in November.

Before that we plan to drive the length of Italy. Stefan badly wants to visit Monte Cassino where the Poles distinguished themselves during the last war, and I want to see Sicily and Naples. We plan to eat well and drink young, local wine.   With luck we will meet up with above-mentioned cousins and spend a tough week doing more eating and drinking, a passion we all share. 

And before that, end March, we have a 16 night tour to South Africa, no less. Terribly exciting. 

In February is a week in Budapest, with a slow drive there and back.  One of many European cities on the list to be explored.  The summer is not yet planned, apart from a week in Cornwall and a week in London with the family.   I am making up for all the time travel away was not so easy. We both want to make the most of our legs while they are still sort of working.  

I have to mention the local spas; not only the swimming pools but the massages and sulphur treatments on offer. Astonishingly cheap and thorough, and doing us both a LOT of good. 

In between more study and lots of reading.  Tough.

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