Friday, 30 May 2014

Slowly, slowly catchee monkey

Heavens above it is slow.
I seem to be creeping, just creeping, but I must not lose heart. It WILL happen.
So much time is spent repairing broken stuff (computers and all that goes with it), getting fixed oneself (odd physical stuff, age related, that can't be ignored) or attending to those around who need fixing (even more age related aged p's who need to be fed and stuff...).
I find I definitely have to develop an attitude to this. It does not come by itself.
So, the plus list must be attended to and celebrated.
And here it is:
London Pet Show was good,
Oscar at our shared stand

as I have already mentioned, I think.   Then I had the signet ring collected by a delighted client . The one with the portrait of Diva, her Jack Russell.
I have a comm. for another ring, from another client, so goody.
And here are 2 awful pics of a ring completed today, using quartz! I will have to do better ones of course, but this is to show the quality of the quartz. So different from flat glass.
 This is a very scrappy edition. I am tired and need my dinner.
Just one thing;
We are off to Poland next week, for 9 days!  And son and g'son will visit from the day we are returning, so maybe no blog for a while.
Desperately need the break.
Cheers, f

Friday, 2 May 2014

building a website and other adventures

Ratty, work in progress
What a week., or two.
Trusty computer died, got another (not new) that had problems, so was without for 5 days.
On return, more problems, so will have to go back again!
But, I have been able to work around the problems until it disappears, and the magic thing is this:
the new website is being constructed but needs pics of all the work thus far, and an up to date inventory... and I have been taking the pics AND photoshopping!  Get that!
The workshop (who sold me the computer) thought the probs were to do with my antique version of PS, so I couldn't use it... then it locked up anyway, so I thought, ok, maybe I can.
But before I did that I was rather frantically trying to learn some Gimp techniques (which actually were better than what I was doing with PS)  so in the end I am using all the tricks I can think of in order to improve the pics. Needs must.  Ratty, above, is one of them. You can see it needs work, but it will happen.
I have so much stock I do not need to make any more....  I am dying to get commissions and get into the studio again. A lot of the stuff is too big to wear, like 5 bees, but there is a new idea from Justin who suggested making the larger one into belt buckles.  Very interesting. He was referring to one with a skull, which could work well.  I need clients who will run with this!!!!  Patience, my girl, patience.
It seems I am doing everything except making work.
London Pet Show is looming. I am sharing a tiny stand with my friend Oscar,,
so we will be very cosy.
17-18 May, at Earls Ct One.
Stefan was in Poland for the last week, seeing his dentist and attending to the HOUSE. It is coming on far faster than we expected.... all walls, roof, water installed already! I dare not think about it too much. How to be in two places at once?
5 bees