Friday, 11 April 2014

Logo, website an' all

As I write the logo and new website is being respectively designed and revamped.
New site for the jewellery, as the old one was doing exactly, nada. Maybe it was too hard for customers to navigate through all the interminable portfolios. Who knows, but we do know it wasn't working and something had to be done.
And we need a logo. I am using a service from Mr Site, and they provide a kick start service: it does what it says on the packet, gets you started.
A little teensy trouble with getting my ideas across to the designer, but maybe he will get it. Early next week we really should get the site up and be starting to fill it in.
An eventful week with my trusty 7 year old mac suddenly hitting the dust and quick quick, as you do, get it replaced. What with a new camera, lens, website and now this..... you can imagine.
But I have a new customer Heather, of Heather's Collectables. She has bought several pendants for her shop, so who knows.

Hadrian, 330mm diameter 
Katalina,  330 diameter
Matthias, 330mm diameter
I like it that customers are willing to put their money where their mouth is. It is not use putting stuff in a shop on sale or return.... such lack of commitment will produce , nothing.
And the other thing is I shall soon be able to flaunt the Fair Trade logo!  I will be working with the WWF.  The paperwork is done.
This says I (will be) producing jewellery that uses Fairmined gold. A good thing. We shall see where this leads. There is clearly  a growing demand for goods, as we know in the food industry, that give a fair return to the producers. So with gold. But is very early days, and the public needs to be made aware, to be offered goods produced ethically, that will create a demand that will gradually reduce the very high price of gold leaf that it presently is.

Friday, 4 April 2014

Another rather long gap

Tons of stuff is happening, too much to put in here but I will be SUCCINCT.
We, Laura and I, are setting up a new website, for the Jewellery.
This means, developing the BRAND. So a logo has to be designed. The the website designer, who formatting and doing first page for the site only, has to be supplied with pics. Of course.
I have pics, which are professional and done by Ester Segarra. They are great, but out of date.
Decision time. I cannot afford to hire a photographer for a self administered site where we will be constantly changing the material. So, learn to do it myself, after all these years.
Er, need a new camera.
Off to Tottenham Court Rd, get a lucky tip off and end up at Spectrum. Highly recommended professionals.  Lost of ££s and many good tips later, I head home and start practicing. I need to learn fast, so telephone backup is crucial while I learn where the knobs and buttons are, and what they are meant to do.
I already had some good equipment, like a white tent, good tripod and one good light... so I could make a start.
But then, how to get the lovely white background? I have photoshop, but have never learned how to use it. ...   LONG, long story and I am beginning to get a hang. I had a great, 1-1 session with the owner of Computer Angels, in Fulham. But there is such a lot to learn, talk about a steep learning curve.
Very first attempt at photography

After photoshop, is now usable. 330mm diam
This is one of 8 abstract pendants, made at the suggestion of a potential client in the hope that she would take them. 
And she did! And what is more she has every intention of representing me amongst her small stable of makers, and with luck buying considerably more. 
In the meantime I am nearly at the end of the process to get registered with Fairtrade, so I can boast about it and use their promo material. It is of course a good thing. 100% recycled silver, and Fairmined gold. It is very early days and FM gold leaf is not easy to obtain, and what there is is way way more expensive than the normal. Happily I use very little, but it has to change for gilders who use more than I do. They would never be able to afford to use Fairmined, and that is pointless.  A bit more expensive, yes, but not 5 times the price!     
i was teaching at West Dean last weekend... a great time. Luckily the class had a good waiting list, so they asked me back for October.  A great pleasure teaching there, and lots of very happy students.
Manius, small brooch, 330 mm diam.